
Getting Started:

Step 1: Install BPM
Step 2: Once BPM is installed, join the voice channel* you want to stream music into before commanding the bot.
Step 3: Command the bot from any text channel, so long as BPM bot has the role to see that channel**.
*When adding BPM bot to a discord stage, first join the stage, then start playing a song (via commands below) and BPM will join in the audience. Then pull the bot up onto the stage as a Speaker.
**Make sure that BPM Bot has the necessary Roles to be able to see the text channel you are commanding it from, and the voice channel you are adding it to.


/bpm {music NFT URL} — bot joins call + starts playing the first song
↳ repeat this step to add more songs to the queue
/np — view the current queue list
/skip — skip the current song
/stop — BPM stops playing, clears the queue and leaves the call
/help — provides a list of these commands

Supported Music NFTs now include:

Grab the URL to a Music NFT on any of these sites + stream it through the bot with the commands above!
Catalogyou can play a single record, or queue up an entire “Space” (Catalog’s name for playlists)